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<strong>Weber Adult Education We are focused on breaking down barriers</strong>

We are focused on breaking down barriers that will allow learners the opportunity to reach their personal, educational, and career goals.

<strong>LIFE Institute Learning is for everyone</strong>

Our L.I.F.E Institute on the OTECH campus is our main site for English as a Second Language classes. 

Welcome to


Your goals are our goals!

We offer two different options for obtaining a high school diploma; equivalency or credit. Our teachers support and teach you with in-person classes. Classes from the basics of math and English to art and computers.

Our English as a second language (ESL) classes will help improve English fluency and comprehension from beginner to advanced level.

decorative image reading "upcoming events"
Upcoming events

IRS Hiring Event

This hiring event will take place in Layton for customer support positions.  Use the link to register and apply today!

decorative image reading "we can help"
Community Resources

Seager Clinic

FREE primary care, dental, diabetes, eye, and mental health for uninsured and underinsured patients. 

decorative image showing a boy using a loudspeaker

GED Tech Apprenticeship Program for GED Completers

FREE tech training and job placement opportunities.


955 West 12th St.,

L.I.F.E. Institute, 505 North Street

Roy High School, 2150 W 4800 S

OWCAP, 3159 Grant Ave.


Transcript Request



Do I have to be an adult education student to take the GED?

You can set up an account at and take a GED Ready test that will show if you are ready to take the GED.  These ready tests are $6.99 each.  The have a ready test for each section of the GED (Reasoning through Language Arts, Mathematical Reasoning, Social Studies, and Science).  You can even schedule a time to take the actual GED exam through this website.  Each section of the actual GED costs $36 to take.

SLIGHTLY LONGER ANSWER: Our program helps you prepare to take the GED exams successfully. We have classes to improve your skills to help you not only pass, but do your best on the exams.  IF you are 16-18 years old and your graduation class has not yet graduated, there are additional requirements to take the GED.

Is a legit site?

Yes.  This is the site that you will set up an account to take the GED, as well as pay for the exams ($36 each exam/$144 for all four).

Do I take the GED exam at Weber Adult Ed?

NO.  We DO NOT administer the test at Weber Adult Education. You make arrangements through and choose a testing location.  We suggest either OTECH or WSU. Each exam can be taken separately when you are ready to test in that subject area.

The cost of taking the test is the responsibility of the student.  Currently, the cost is $36 per test/$144 for all 4 tests.  You pay for the exam(s) at

How do I register to take the GED?

It's easy.  Go to and create an account.  From there, you can schedule a time and location for the exam.  If you are working with Weber Adult Education, please make sure to select us as your adult education program.  This way, we can keep track of how you are doing to encourage you, and invite you to graduation.

If you are 16-17 years of age, we will need to remove a block for you to be able to take the exam, even if you are not enrolled as our student.  In order to do this, you must provide us with a passing GED ready test, as well as a state-issued ID in the name of the student.  In addition, you will need to bring us a fully filled out HSE form from your boundary school/district.  

Everyone who takes the GED will need a state-issued ID to take the exams.

Do I receive a diploma for passing the GED?

Your GED diploma will be issued by the State of Utah and mailed to the address entered into your account.  There may be a small cost for this service.  Your transcripts will be emailed to the email address you used when setting up the account.  It is important that you use your personal email for this purpose.  The transcripts will be emailed to you in a secure document.  This document will delete itself if not opened within thirty days.

When you attend the graduation ceremony with us, you will receive a diploma cover, and a cord for your achievement.

What is required to take the GED?

The GED is a high stakes test that needs to be taken in a Pearson Vue testing center.  With all high stakes testing, it is required that the student taking the test present a state-issued ID, or a current passport.  


Why do I have a student email?

Teachers and staff use student emails are to send out schedule information, and important notifications. You are encouraged to check your student email often, and communicate with Weber Adult Education personnel when needed.

Your email is usually: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Username to sign into our computers is: lastnamefirst2initials

Password: Set up for you by counseling secretary.  It will need to be changed and noted by the student. If you forgot your password, speak to the office staff to reset it.

Do I need to do the project for my direct class?

If you are taking a class for credit toward your credit diploma, you should assume YES. The project is the best way to get an extra 0.25 credit in a core area. If you do not know what the project is, follow up with your teacher to find out. Start these projects early and don't wait until the end of the session.

What if I can't make it to class?

Your TEACHER is the only person that can make arrangements with you regarding attendance. Emails to the teacher are the best form of communication. It is not the teacher's decision to award credit if you do not meet the attendance requirement.

What are the attendance requirements?

You will be required to restart a Direct class if you have missed one class. For the GED prep classes, you will restart after 3 days of missed classes.  Being more than 15 minutes late to class counts as an ABSENCE.

Attending PL Class twice weekly is required.

What is a PL Class/Lab and why is it important?

PL Class/Lab is where you will be able to meet with your PL teacher to figure out what you still need to do to finish up.  This is where you will be assigned Edgenuity classes for credit, or get set up with GED prep software that you can work on at anytime.  

One new thing this year is that this class can discuss alternate ways of earning credit for those aged 18+.  This is called Competency Based Learning for adults.

According to one of our students, "I wish I got started in lab a long time ago. I would be so much further ahead."

What is a transition meeting with the counselor?

If you are finishing up either your credit diploma or are soon to pass your GED exams, you may want a transition meeting.  The purpose of this meeting is to help you continue on toward your next steps.  Do you want a new career and want to see what is out there, or do you want to continue your education at a technical college or university?  Don't know where to start?  Talk to us.


How can I get a copy of my transcripts?

FOR CREDIT DIPLOMA: You can use this link to request transcripts or verify education.  If there are any questions, please call our main telephone at 801-476-3930.

FOR GED DIPLOMA: You will need to access your GED account, or speak to a Representative.  They will be able to access this information for you.  Weber Adult Education does not have a copy of your GED transcripts or diploma.

Can work hours count toward a credit diploma?

If needed, work hours can count toward either CTE or elective credit when a student is pursuing a credit diploma.  180 hours count as 1.0 credit (45 hours= 0.25 credit).  Can receive a maximum of 4.0 credits.

Can someone who is an English Language Learner (ELL) get their diploma?

It depends on the student's English fluency.  Students must meet testing requirements to start pursuing their diploma.  This may mean that they begin in our ESL/ELL (English as a Second Language/English Language Learner) Program.  If they are determined to be able to take Adult Basic Education (ABE) classes, they can continue working on either their credit diploma or prepping to take the GED for their equivalency diploma.  ESL/ELL students must be 18 years old to begin the ESL/ELL program.  

Transcripts from a student's native country can sometimes be used in credit evaluations.

Where are you located?

Our main location is in the northeast corner of the Two Rivers High School building.  For other locations, see our map in the above section.

Where can I find a schedule of classes offered?

You can find out what classes are offered, and the time they run by looking at our Daily Event Calendar. 

You can also find the calendar for the school year on the main page of the website to show when a session starts.

Will there be a graduation ceremony? Who can take part?

YES!  Coming back to school to finish up is a courageous act and it needs to be celebrated! Successful credit diploma seekers and GED equivalency diploma seekers are invited to our graduation ceremony!