This handbook explains your scores, and gives you a roadmap through your GED journey. CLICK HERE

Credit Diploma or Equivalency Diploma: Which one is right for you?
Below we explain the differences between the two diplomas, so that you can make the best choice for you.
It takes a lot of courage to return to school!
People return to finish their high school education for a lot of reasons. They may have promised themselves they would return, they want a promotion at work, or maybe they just want to improve their lives and those of their family.
In deciding where you want to start, you may want to answer some of the following questions. Do you have a lot of credits? Are you looking to finish fast? How much time and energy do you bring to the table? These are questions that can help you determine which path you will choose.

GED Vs Credit Considerations
ALERT: A student does not need to come to Adult Education to take the GED exam. Just set up an account at and take a GED Ready test that will show if you are ready to take the GED. These ready tests are $6.99 each. The have a ready test for each section of the GED (Reasoning through Language Arts, Mathematical Reasoning, Social Studies, and Science, and you can schedule a time to take the actual GED exam through your account. Each section of the GED costs $36, or all four for $144.
More Information

ATTN: GED Students

For GED Graduates!
The WithYouWithMe program helps interested GED students pursue tech opportunities. CLICK HERE

ARTICLE: Going Back to School as an Adult
Student article from Penn Foster. Hear from an adult education student on going back to school. Food For Thought

IMPORTANT: If you are 18 and under and your graduating class has not yet graduated, attendance requires an HSE form.

REQUIRED Orientation
Attend 15-minute orientation where we will go over our different programs and student expectations. If you decide to go with Weber Adult Education, you will pay $75 registration fee and start required TABE assessment in math and language.

TABE Assessment Continued
Return to complete TABE reading assessment. Results in all assessment areas determine placement options.
Set up a counseling appointment.

Counselor Appointment
At this meeting, student will go over placement options, student strengths, and credits. Counselor will discuss schedule and place student into classes. Counselor is available throughout the year for student.
A transition meeting can be scheduled later in the year to discuss transitioning to higher ed or further training.

Start Classes
Required only if needed: Fundamentals and Foundations math and/or English Classes.
OPTIONAL: Direct and Fast-Track Classes.